Stud Ram Lineup
It is important to start a Flock off with good genetics. Rams are the single best way to improve genetics for your flock. Spend time looking for Rams that will work with your flock goals providing growth, muscle, and style in a very competitive Dorset Breed.
After taking some heavy losses to our Ram lineup - Jeremy went coast to coast literally, finding "Last Rights" up for discussion was a match made in Dorset heaven for us! We will let Mike take the credit for the write-up - as "LR" is waiting for his Spring lambs to arrive in Illinois.
After using McDaniel 21-11 “Last Rights” for multiple breeding seasons (on the West Coast), retaining a nice set of daughters, producing a Reserve Champion at the NAILE and other winners, we have decided to offer “Last Rights” up FOR DISCUSSION. He is in great shape, he’s sound and settled 100% of his ewes this spring for fall lambs. He is ready to go to work for a new program.
His pedigree tells a fantastic story. “Last Rights” is sired by the 2019 NAILE Reserve Champion Ram, Nichols 1914. On the dam side, he is the last offspring out of the famous Twin Oaks ewe, “Cocktail.”
He took the travel like the rock star he is and looked like he was ready to work when he got off the trailer. We put him in with a group of ewes, and we never thought twice about the purchase. He went to work so fast - his lamb picture will have to work for us! Thanks, Mike!